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Learning Environment

Here are some learning centres that I have created over the years to allow the children (aged 5 - 6 years old)  to learn different concepts, play and discover, in turn developing them holistically. 

Most if not all of the learning centres are differentiated to cater to children of different learning needs (after accessing each and every child). Higher-order thinking questions are placed in and/or around the learning centres to provoke critical thinking.

I have also included a few inquiry projects that the children and I have embarked on. They are encouraged to think and ask questions (utilising the 5Ws and 1H). Thereafter, I would facilitate the children on their journey through inquiry by providing them with opportunities/tools to discover more. They would also participate in and collaboration on experiments.  Thereafter, the children would document their learning through various mediums. As an educator, I would also document the whole process of the children's inquiry. Each and every phase of inquiry will be displayed around the classroom. 

Creative Arts Learning Centres

Information of the artist of the term would be placed in the creative arts learning centre. A variety of art supplies are provided to the children.

Dramatic Centres

Each term, a different dramatic centre will be set up for the children. Questions and fun activities will be placed inside as well. 

Discovery of the World Learning Centres

Discovery of the World learning centres that I have set up.

Language & Literacy Learning Centres

Here are some Literacy learning centre activities that I have created. They are all differentiated to cater to children of different learning needs

Numeracy Learning Centres

Here are some Numeracy learning centre activities that I have created. They are all differentiated to cater to children of different learning needs

Inquiry Projects

Here are a few inquiry projects that I have embarked on with the children. Hover over the pictures to find out more!

Incorporating Technology

I have also incorporated technology into the children's lessons and inquiry projects. Hover over the pictures to find out more!

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