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Leadership & School Events

Throughout my years of teaching, i've had the privilege of taking on leadership positions in my centre. Namely the technological team lead as well as the chairperson of the parent support group and parent-engagement team. 

As the lead of the technological team in the school, I have undergone training workshops (Apple Lighthouse) where I learnt how to integrate technology into children's lessons as well as learning centres. I held monthly workshops for the teachers in my school to impart things that I have learnt and encourage them to apply these skills into their lessons. 

As the lead of the parent-engagement team, I held meetings every 3 months with the parents in the parent-support group in the school to discuss about upcoming events and to garner the parents ideas and help with events such as K2 graduation and centre celebrations. Aside from that, I constantly find ways for parents to be included in the children's learning and development by developing compelling workshops and take home kits. 

In this page, I have also included pictures of centre celebrations and events that I have planned, organised and conducted successfully. 

Apple LightHouse

Workshops held monthly to teach teachers how to integrate technology into their lessons.

Parent Engagement

I held bi-monthly meetings with the parents of the school's parent support group (PSG) to discuss upcoming events and to garner help for events in the school. I also lead a team of  5 teachers in the parent engagement team where we developed and planned workshops for the parents in the centre as well as work together with the parents in the PSG.

Centre Events

Christmas celebration that I have planned and organised.

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